Main Interfaces


class amcards.amcards.AMcardsClient(access_token: str, oauth_config: Optional[dict] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[str, str, int], Any]] = None)

Bases: object

Client for AMcards API.

__init__(access_token: str, oauth_config: Optional[dict] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[str, str, int], Any]] = None) None

Client for AMcards API.

  • access_token (str) – Your AMcards access token. Generate one here.

  • oauth_config (Optional[dict]) –

    Your OAuth configuration, this is optional, but if you choose to include it, it must include all of the following keys:

        'refresh_token': 'yourrefreshtoken',
        'expiration': 1671692131130,                    # Note that expiration is specified as a unix timestamp in ms.
        'client_id': 'yourapplicationclientid',
        'client_secret': 'yourapplicationclientsecret'

  • callback (Optional[Callable[[str, str, int], Any]]) – This function will be called by the client when you have oauth_config defined, and the client refreshes the access_token before making a request. This can be useful when you need perform some logic when the client refreshes the specified access_token (like updating your database to reflect the new access_token and refresh_token). callback is optional, but if you choose to include it, it needs to accept the following keyword arguments: access_token refresh_token expiration. callback will be called by the client as follows: callback(access_token='newaccesstoken', refresh_token='newrefreshtoken', expiration=1671692135130), note that expiration is specified as a unix timestamp in ms.

campaign(id: str | int) Campaign

Fetches client’s AMcards drip campaign with a specified id.


id (str or int) – Unique id for the drip campaign you are fetching.


The client’s drip campaign with specified id.

Return type:


campaigns(limit: int = 25, skip: int = 0) List[Campaign]

Fetches client’s AMcards drip campaigns.

  • limit (int) – Defaults to 25. Max number of drip campaigns to be fetched.

  • skip (int) – Defaults to 0. Number of drip campaigns to be skipped.


The client’s drip campaigns.

Return type:



AuthenticationError – When the client’s access_token is invalid.

card(id: str | int) Card

Fetches client’s AMcards card with a specified id.


id (str or int) – Unique id for the card you are fetching.


The client’s card with specified id.

Return type:


  • ForbiddenCardError – When the card for the specified id either does not exist or is not owned by the client’s user.

  • AuthenticationError – When the client’s access_token is invalid.

cards(limit: int = 25, skip: int = 0, filters: Optional[dict] = None) List[Card]

Fetches client’s AMcards cards.

  • limit (int) – Defaults to 25. Max number of cards to be fetched.

  • skip (int) – Defaults to 0. Number of cards to be skipped.

  • filters (Optional[dict]) –

    Defaults to None. Filters to be applied when fetching cards.

    A common use case is to use filter = {'third_party_contact_id': 'some_target_id'}, this will fetch all cards that were shipped to a recipient with a third_party_contact_id == 'some_target_id'.


The client’s cards.

Return type:



AuthenticationError – When the client’s access_token is invalid.

contact(id: str | int) Contact

Fetches client’s AMcards contact with a specified id.


id (str or int) – Unique id for the contact you are fetching.


The client’s contact with specified id.

Return type:


contacts(limit: int = 25, skip: int = 0, filters: Optional[dict] = None) List[Contact]

Fetches client’s AMcards contacts.

  • limit (int) – Defaults to 25. Max number of contacts to be fetched.

  • skip (int) – Defaults to 0. Number of contacts to be skipped.

  • filters (Optional[dict]) –

    Defaults to None. Filters to be applied when fetching contacts.

    A common use case is to use filter = {'last_name': 'Smith'}, this will fetch all contacts with last_name == 'Smith'.


The client’s contacts.

Return type:



AuthenticationError – When the client’s access_token is invalid.

create_contact(first_name: str, last_name: str, address_line_1: str, city: str, state: str, postal_code: str, country: Optional[str] = None, notes: Optional[str] = None, email: Optional[str] = None, organization: Optional[str] = None, phone: Optional[str] = None, birth_year: Optional[str] = None, birth_month: Optional[str] = None, birth_day: Optional[str] = None, anniversary_year: Optional[str] = None, anniversary_month: Optional[str] = None, anniversary_day: Optional[str] = None) None

Creates a new contact for the client.

  • first_name (str) – Contact’s first name.

  • last_name (str) – Contact’s last name.

  • address_line_1 (str) – Contact’s primary address line.

  • city (str) – Contact’s city.

  • state (str) – Contact’s state.

  • postal_code (str) – Contact’s postal code.

  • country (Optional[str]) – Contact’s country.

  • notes (Optional[str]) – Contact’s notes.

  • email (Optional[str]) – Contact’s email address.

  • organization (Optional[str]) – Contact’s organization.

  • phone (Optional[str]) – Contact’s phone number. In the form "12223334444".

  • birth_year (Optional[str]) – Contact’s birth year. In the form "YYYY".

  • birth_month (Optional[str]) – Contact’s birth month. In the form "MM".

  • birth_day (Optional[str]) – Contact’s birth day. In the form "DD".

  • anniverary_year (Optional[str]) – Contact’s anniversary year. In the form "YYYY".

  • anniverary_month (Optional[str]) – Contact’s anniversary month. In the form "MM".

  • anniverary_day (Optional[str]) – Contact’s anniversary day. In the form "DD".

delete_contact(id: str | int) None

Deletes client’s AMcards contact with a specified id.


id (str or int) – Unique id for the contact you are deleting.

mailing(id: str | int) Mailing

Fetches client’s AMcards mailing with a specified id.


id (str or int) – Unique id for the mailing you are fetching.


The client’s mailing with specified id.

Return type:


quicksend(id: str | int) Template

Fetches client’s AMcards quicksend template with a specified id.


id (str or int) – Unique id for the quicksend template you are fetching.


The client’s quicksend template with specified id.

Return type:


  • ForbiddenTemplateError – When the quicksend template for the specified id either does not exist or is not owned by the client’s user.

  • AuthenticationError – When the client’s access_token is invalid.

quicksends(limit: int = 25, skip: int = 0) List[Template]

Fetches client’s AMcards quicksend templates.

  • limit (int) – Defaults to 25. Max number of quicksend templates to be fetched.

  • skip (int) – Defaults to 0. Number of quicksend templates to be skipped.


The client’s quicksend templates.

Return type:



AuthenticationError – When the client’s access_token is invalid.

send_campaign(campaign_id: str | int, initiator: str, shipping_address: dict, return_address: Optional[dict] = None, send_date: Optional[str] = None, extra_data: Optional[dict] = None) CampaignResponse

Attempt to send a drip campaign.

>>> from amcards import AMcardsClient
>>> client = AMcardsClient('youraccesstoken')
>>> res = client.send_campaign(
...     campaign_id='123',
...     initiator='myintegration123',
...     shipping_address={
...         'first_name': 'Ralph',
...         'last_name': 'Mullins',
...         'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
...         'city': 'Southfield',
...         'state': 'MI',
...         'postal_code': '48075',
...         'country': 'US'
...     }
... )
>>> res.card_ids
[1528871, 1528872]
>>> res.mailing_id
>>> res.message
'Thanks! Your cards have been scheduled and $8.84 was debited from your credits.'
>>> res.user_email
>>> res.shipping_address
{'country': 'US', 'state': 'MI', 'postal_code': '48075', 'first_name': 'Ralph', 'city': 'Southfield', 'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road', 'last_name': 'Mullins'}
  • campaign_id (str or int) – Unique id for the drip campaign you are sending.

  • initiator (str) – Unique identifier of client’s user so if multiple users use a single account, a drip campaign can be identified per person.

  • shipping_address (dict) –

    Dict of shipping details. Here’s an example how the dict might look, make sure you include all of the required keys:

        'first_name': 'Ralph',
        'last_name': 'Mullins',
        'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
        'city': 'Southfield',
        'state': 'MI',
        'postal_code': '48075',
        'country': 'US',
        'organization': 'Google',                # OPTIONAL
        'phone_number': '15556667777',           # OPTIONAL
        'birth_date': '2003-12-25',              # OPTIONAL
        'anniversary_date': '2022-10-31',        # OPTIONAL
        'third_party_contact_id': 'crmid1453131' # OPTIONAL

  • return_address (Optional[dict]) –

    Dict of return details that will override the client’s AMcards user default return details. Here’s an example how the dict might look, all of the keys are optional:

        'first_name': 'Ralph',                   # OPTIONAL
        'last_name': 'Mullins',                  # OPTIONAL
        'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',   # OPTIONAL
        'city': 'Southfield',                    # OPTIONAL
        'state': 'MI',                           # OPTIONAL
        'postal_code': '48075',                  # OPTIONAL
        'country': 'US',                         # OPTIONAL

  • send_date (Optional[str]) – The date the drip campaign should be sent, in "YYYY-MM-DD" format. If not specified, the drip campaign will be scheduled for the following day.

  • extra_data (Optional[dict]) –

    Extra data for merge fields. This is useful when you want to dynamically pass custom data to your templates. For example, if you pass in the example JSON, you would want to have your template contain a merge field in the form of |data.carMake|

        'carMake': 'Honda',                      # OPTIONAL


AMcards’ response for sending a single drip campaign.

Return type:


send_campaign_cost(campaign_id: str | int, shipping_address: dict, return_address: Optional[dict] = None, send_date: Optional[str] = None) int

Get cost for a campaign send. Without actually sending the campaign.

>>> from amcards import AMcardsClient
>>> client = AMcardsClient('youraccesstoken')
>>> res = client.send_campaign_cost(
...     campaign_id='123',
...     shipping_address={
...         'first_name': 'Ralph',
...         'last_name': 'Mullins',
...         'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
...         'city': 'Southfield',
...         'state': 'MI',
...         'postal_code': '48075',
...         'country': 'US'
...     }
... )
>>> res
  • campaign_id (str or int) – Unique id for the drip campaign you are getting cost for.

  • shipping_address (dict) –

    Dict of shipping details. Here’s an example how the dict might look, make sure you include all of the required keys:

        'first_name': 'Ralph',
        'last_name': 'Mullins',
        'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
        'city': 'Southfield',
        'state': 'MI',
        'postal_code': '48075',
        'country': 'US',
        'organization': 'Google',                # OPTIONAL
        'phone_number': '15556667777',           # OPTIONAL
        'birth_date': '2003-12-25',              # OPTIONAL
        'anniversary_date': '2022-10-31',        # OPTIONAL
        'third_party_contact_id': 'crmid1453131' # OPTIONAL

  • return_address (Optional[dict]) –

    Dict of return details that will override the client’s AMcards user default return details. Here’s an example how the dict might look, all of the keys are optional:

        'first_name': 'Ralph',                   # OPTIONAL
        'last_name': 'Mullins',                  # OPTIONAL
        'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',   # OPTIONAL
        'city': 'Southfield',                    # OPTIONAL
        'state': 'MI',                           # OPTIONAL
        'postal_code': '48075',                  # OPTIONAL
        'country': 'US',                         # OPTIONAL

  • send_date (Optional[str]) – The date the drip campaign should be sent, in "YYYY-MM-DD" format. If not specified, the drip campaign will be scheduled for the following day.


Cost for sending campaign in cents.

Return type:


send_card(template_id: str | int, initiator: str, shipping_address: dict, return_address: Optional[dict] = None, send_date: Optional[str] = None, message: Optional[str] = None) CardResponse

Attempt to send a card.

>>> from amcards import AMcardsClient
>>> client = AMcardsClient('youraccesstoken')
>>> res = client.send_card(
...     template_id='123',
...     initiator='myintegration123',
...     shipping_address={
...         'first_name': 'Ralph',
...         'last_name': 'Mullins',
...         'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
...         'city': 'Southfield',
...         'state': 'MI',
...         'postal_code': '48075',
...         'country': 'US'
...     }
... )
>>> res.card_id
>>> res.total_cost
>>> res.message
'Card created successfully!'
>>> res.user_email
>>> res.shipping_address
{'last_name': 'Mullins', 'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road', 'first_name': 'Ralph', 'country': 'US', 'state': 'MI', 'postal_code': '48075', 'city': 'Southfield'}
  • template_id (str or int) – Unique id for the template you are sending.

  • initiator (str) – Unique identifier of client’s user so if multiple users use a single account, a card can be identified per person.

  • shipping_address (dict) –

    Dict of shipping details. Here’s an example how the dict might look, make sure you include all of the required keys:

        'first_name': 'Ralph',
        'last_name': 'Mullins',
        'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
        'city': 'Southfield',
        'state': 'MI',
        'postal_code': '48075',
        'country': 'US',
        'organization': 'Google',                # OPTIONAL
        'third_party_contact_id': 'crmid1453131' # OPTIONAL

  • return_address (Optional[dict]) –

    Dict of return details that will override the client’s AMcards user default return details. Here’s an example how the dict might look, all of the keys are optional:

        'first_name': 'Ralph',                   # OPTIONAL
        'last_name': 'Mullins',                  # OPTIONAL
        'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',   # OPTIONAL
        'city': 'Southfield',                    # OPTIONAL
        'state': 'MI',                           # OPTIONAL
        'postal_code': '48075',                  # OPTIONAL
        'country': 'US',                         # OPTIONAL

  • send_date (Optional[str]) – The date the card should be sent. If not specified, the card will be scheduled for the following day. The format should be: "YYYY-MM-DD".

  • message (Optional[str]) – A message to add to the card. This will be added to the inside bottom or inside right panel on the card and will not replace any message that is currently on the template.


AMcards’ response for sending a single card.

Return type:


send_card_cost(template_id: str | int, shipping_address: dict, return_address: Optional[dict] = None, send_date: Optional[str] = None) int

Get cost for a card send. Without actually sending the card.

>>> from amcards import AMcardsClient
>>> client = AMcardsClient('youraccesstoken')
>>> res = client.send_card_cost(
...     template_id='123',
...     shipping_address={
...         'first_name': 'Ralph',
...         'last_name': 'Mullins',
...         'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
...         'city': 'Southfield',
...         'state': 'MI',
...         'postal_code': '48075',
...         'country': 'US'
...     }
... )
>>> res
  • template_id (str or int) – Unique id for the template you are getting cost for.

  • shipping_address (dict) –

    Dict of shipping details. Here’s an example how the dict might look, make sure you include all of the required keys:

        'first_name': 'Ralph',
        'last_name': 'Mullins',
        'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
        'city': 'Southfield',
        'state': 'MI',
        'postal_code': '48075',
        'country': 'US',
        'organization': 'Google',                # OPTIONAL
        'third_party_contact_id': 'crmid1453131' # OPTIONAL

  • return_address (Optional[dict]) –

    Dict of return details that will override the client’s AMcards user default return details. Here’s an example how the dict might look, all of the keys are optional:

        'first_name': 'Ralph',                   # OPTIONAL
        'last_name': 'Mullins',                  # OPTIONAL
        'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',   # OPTIONAL
        'city': 'Southfield',                    # OPTIONAL
        'state': 'MI',                           # OPTIONAL
        'postal_code': '48075',                  # OPTIONAL
        'country': 'US',                         # OPTIONAL

  • send_date (Optional[str]) – The date the card should be sent. If not specified, the card will be scheduled for the following day. The format should be: "YYYY-MM-DD".


Cost for sending card in cents.

Return type:


send_cards(template_id: str | int, initiator: str, shipping_addresses: List[dict], return_address: Optional[dict] = None, send_date: Optional[str] = None, send_if_error: bool = False) CardsResponse

Attempt to send multiple cards.

>>> from amcards import AMcardsClient
>>> client = AMcardsClient('youraccesstoken')
>>> res = client.send_cards(
...     template_id='123',
...     initiator='myintegration123',
...     shipping_addresses=[
...         {
...             'first_name': 'Ralph',
...             'last_name': 'Mullins',
...             'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
...             'city': 'Southfield',
...             'state': 'MI',
...             'postal_code': '48075',
...             'country': 'US',
...             'organization': 'Google',
...             'third_party_contact_id': 'crmid1453131'
...         },
...         {
...             'first_name': 'Keith',
...             'last_name': 'May',
...             'address_line_1': '364 Spruce Drive',
...             'city': 'Philadelphia',
...             'state': 'PA',
...             'postal_code': '19107',
...             'country': 'US'
...         }
...     ]
... )
>>> res.mailing_id
>>> res.message
"You can check the mailing_uri. When the 'status' is '0' (aka Completed) you can then read the 'report' field for a list
of cards that were created. See each card's 'status' to make sure that it was created. If the status is 'fail' there will be a 'message' stating the issue with that recipient."
>>> res.user_email
>>> res.shipping_addresses
[{'country': 'US', 'state': 'MI', 'postal_code': '48075', 'first_name': 'Ralph', 'city': 'Southfield', 'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road', 'last_name': 'Mullins', 'organization': 'Google', 'third_party_contact_id': 'crmid1453131'}, {'country': 'US', 'state': 'PA', 'postal_code': '19107', 'first_name': 'Keith', 'city': 'Philadelphia', 'address_line_1': '364 Spruce Drive', 'last_name': 'May'}]
  • template_id (str or int) – Unique id for the template you are sending.

  • initiator (str) – Unique identifier of client’s user so if multiple users use a single account, a card can be identified per person.

  • shipping_addresses (List[dict]) –

    List of shipping details. Here’s an example how the list might look, make sure you include all of the required keys for each dict in the list:

            'first_name': 'Ralph',
            'last_name': 'Mullins',
            'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
            'city': 'Southfield',
            'state': 'MI',
            'postal_code': '48075',
            'country': 'US',
            'organization': 'Google',                # OPTIONAL
            'third_party_contact_id': 'crmid1453131' # OPTIONAL
            'first_name': 'Keith',
            'last_name': 'May',
            'address_line_1': '364 Spruce Drive',
            'city': 'Philadelphia',
            'state': 'PA',
            'postal_code': '19107',
            'country': 'US'

  • return_address (Optional[dict]) –

    Dict of return details that will override the client’s AMcards user default return details. Here’s an example how the dict might look, all of the keys are optional:

        'first_name': 'Ralph',                   # OPTIONAL
        'last_name': 'Mullins',                  # OPTIONAL
        'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',   # OPTIONAL
        'city': 'Southfield',                    # OPTIONAL
        'state': 'MI',                           # OPTIONAL
        'postal_code': '48075',                  # OPTIONAL
        'country': 'US',                         # OPTIONAL

  • send_date (Optional[str]) – The date the card should be sent, If not specified, the card will be scheduled for the following day. The format should be: "YYYY-MM-DD".

  • send_if_error (bool) – Defaults to False. If False, when sending cards to several recipients, if one of the card sends fails, all other card sends will be haulted. If True, only the cards that fail will be haulted, the rest will be scheduled as normal.


AMcards’ response for sending multiple cards.

Return type:


template(id: str | int) Template

Fetches client’s AMcards template with a specified id.


id (str or int) – Unique id for the template you are fetching.


The client’s template with specified id.

Return type:


templates(limit: int = 25, skip: int = 0) List[Template]

Fetches client’s AMcards templates.

  • limit (int) – Defaults to 25. Max number of templates to be fetched.

  • skip (int) – Defaults to 0. Number of templates to be skipped.


The client’s templates.

Return type:



AuthenticationError – When the client’s access_token is invalid.

user() User

Fetches client’s AMcards user.


The client’s user.

Return type:



AuthenticationError – When the client’s access_token is invalid.


class amcards.models.Campaign(id: int, name: str, send_if_duplicate: bool, has_anniversary_drip: bool = False, has_birthday_drip: bool = False)

Bases: object

Represents an AMcards drip campaign.

property has_anniversary_drip: bool

True if one of more drips in this campaign are anniversary drips. False otherwise.

property has_birthday_drip: bool

True if one of more drips in this campaign are birthday drips. False otherwise.

property id: int

Drip campaign’s unique identifier.

property name: str

Drip campaign’s name.

property send_if_duplicate: bool

If True, AMcards will not attempt to detect and prevent duplicates. Otherwise, if this campaign has been previously sent to a contact, further campaign send attempts to the same contact will be prevented.

class amcards.models.CampaignResponse(mailing_id: int, card_ids: List[int], user_email: str, message: str, shipping_address: dict)

Bases: object

Represents AMcards’ response for sending a single drip campaign.

property card_ids: List[int]

List of unique ids for the cards created.

property mailing_id: int

Unique id for the mailing created.

This is the link to the mailing list inside of

property message: str

Represents AMcards’ response message for sending a single drip campaign.

property shipping_address: dict

Shipping address for this CampaignResponse.

property user_email: str

Client’s user email.

class amcards.models.Card(id: int, amount_charged: int, status: CardStatus, initiator: str, send_date: str, date_created: datetime, date_last_modified: datetime, date_fulfilled: datetime, is_international: bool, template_name: str, thumbnail: str, campaign_id: Optional[int], shipping_address: dict, return_address: dict)

Bases: object

Represents an AMcards card.

property amount_charged: int

Total amount charged to client’s user in cents.

property campaign_id: Optional[int]

Unique identifier for drip campaign associated with this card. If this card is not a part of a drip campaign, this value will be None.

This is the link to cancel the card inside of

property date_created: datetime

Date and time card was created.

property date_fulfilled: Optional[datetime]

Date and time card was fulfilled. None if not fulfilled yet.

property date_last_modified: Optional[datetime]

Date and time card was last modified. None if not modified yet.

This is the link to edit the card inside of

property id: int

Card’s unique identifier.

property initiator: str

Unique identifier of client’s user so if multiple users use a single account, a card can be identified per person.

property is_international: bool

If True, card was shipped international. If False, card was shipped domestic.

property return_address: dict

Return address for the card. In the form:

    'first_name': 'Ralph',                   # OPTIONAL
    'last_name': 'Mullins',                  # OPTIONAL
    'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',   # OPTIONAL
    'city': 'Southfield',                    # OPTIONAL
    'state': 'MI',                           # OPTIONAL
    'postal_code': '48075',                  # OPTIONAL
    'country': 'US',                         # OPTIONAL
property send_date: str

The date the card is sent. The format should be: "YYYY-MM-DD".

property shipping_address: dict

Shipping address for the card. In the form:

    'first_name': 'Ralph',
    'last_name': 'Mullins',
    'address_line_1': '2285 Reppert Road',
    'city': 'Southfield',
    'state': 'MI',
    'postal_code': '48075',
    'country': 'US',
    'organization': 'Google',                # OPTIONAL
    'third_party_contact_id': 'crmid1453131' # OPTIONAL
property status: CardStatus

Current status of card.

property template_name: str

Name of template for this card.

property thumbnail: str

Url of thumbnail for this card.

class amcards.models.CardResponse(card_id: int, total_cost: int, user_email: str, message: str, shipping_address: dict)

Bases: object

Represents AMcards’ response for sending a single card.

This is the link to cancel the card inside of

property card_id: int

Unique id for the card created.

This is the link to edit the card inside of

property message: str

AMcards’ response message for sending a single card.

property shipping_address: dict

Shipping address for this CardResponse.

property total_cost: int

Total cost the client’s user was charged in cents.

property user_email: str

Client’s user email.

class amcards.models.CardStatus(value)

Bases: Enum

Represents the status of an AMcards card.

class amcards.models.CardsResponse(mailing_id: int, user_email: str, message: str, shipping_addresses: List[dict])

Bases: object

Represents AMcards’ response for sending multiple cards.

property mailing_id: int

Unique id for the mailing created.

property message: str

AMcards’ response message for sending multiple cards.

property shipping_addresses: List[dict]

Shipping addresses for this CardsResponse.

property user_email: str

Client’s user email.

class amcards.models.Contact(id: int, date_created: datetime, date_last_modified: Optional[datetime], date_last_card_send: Optional[datetime], notes: Optional[str], email: Optional[str], first_name: str, last_name: str, address_line_1: str, city: str, state: str, postal_code: str, country: Optional[str], organization: Optional[str], phone: Optional[str], birth_year: Optional[str], birth_month: Optional[str], birth_day: Optional[str], anniversary_year: Optional[str], anniversary_month: Optional[str], anniversary_day: Optional[str])

Bases: object

Represents an AMcards contact.

property address_line_1: str

Contact’s primary address line.

property anniversary_day: Optional[str]

Contact’s anniversary day in the form "DD". None if contact doesn’t have an anniversary day.

property anniversary_month: Optional[str]

Contact’s anniversary month in the form "MM". None if contact doesn’t have an anniversary month.

property anniversary_year: Optional[str]

Contact’s anniversary year in the form "YYYY". None if contact doesn’t have an anniversary year.

property birth_day: Optional[str]

Contact’s birth day in the form "DD". None if contact doesn’t have a birth day.

property birth_month: Optional[str]

Contact’s birth month in the form "MM". None if contact doesn’t have a birth month.

property birth_year: Optional[str]

Contact’s birth year in the form "YYYY". None if contact doesn’t have a birth year.

property city: str

Contact’s city.

property country: Optional[str]

Contact’s country. None if contact doesn’t have a country.

property date_created: datetime

Date and time contact was created.

property date_last_card_send: Optional[datetime]

Date and time card was last sent to contact. None if card has never been sent to this contact.

property date_last_modified: Optional[datetime]

Date and time contact was last modified. None if never modified.

property email: Optional[str]

Contact’s email address. None if contact doesn’t have an email address.

property first_name: str

Contact’s first name.

property id: int

Contact’s unique identifier.

property last_name: str

Contact’s last name.

property notes: Optional[str]

Contact’s notes. None if contact has no notes.

property organization: Optional[str]

Contact’s organization/company. None if contact doesn’t have an organization.

property phone: Optional[str]

Contact’s phone number. None if contact doesn’t have a phone number.

property postal_code: str

Contact’s postal code.

property state: str

Contact’s state/province.

class amcards.models.Gift(name: str, thumbnail: str, base_cost: int, shipping_and_handling_cost: int)

Bases: object

Represents an AMcards gift.

property base_cost: int

Gift’s base cost in cents.

property name: str

Gift’s name.

property shipping_and_handling_cost: int

Gift’s shipping and handling cost in cents.

property thumbnail: str

Gift’s image thumbnail.

property total_cost: int

Gift’s total cost, including base_cost + shipping_and_handling_cost in cents.

class amcards.models.Mailing(id: int)

Bases: object

Represents an AMcards mailing.

property id: int

Mailing’s unique identifier.

This is the link to the mailing list inside of

class amcards.models.MailingStatus(value)

Bases: Enum

Represents the status of an AMcards mailing.

class amcards.models.Template(id: int, name: str, message: str, thumbnail: str, gifts: List[Gift])

Bases: object

Represents an AMcards template.

property gifts: List[Gift]

List of template’s gifts (could be an empty list).

property gifts_total: int

Sum of gifts’ total costs in cents.

property id: int

Template’s unique identifier.

property message: str

Template’s message on default panel.

property name: str

Template’s name.

property thumbnail: str

Template’s image thumbnail.

class amcards.models.User(id: int, first_name: str, last_name: str, credits: int, email: str, phone: str, date_joined: datetime, address_line_1: str, city: str, state: str, postal_code: str, country: str, domestic_postage_cost: int, international_postage_cost: int, domestic_postage_countries: set, greeting_card_cost: int)

Bases: object

Represents an AMcards user.

property address_line_1: str

User’s primary address line (street).

property city: str

User’s state.

property country: str

User’s country.

property credits: int

User’s credit balance in cents.

property date_joined: datetime

Date and time when user created their AMcards account.

property domestic_postage_cost: int

User’s postage cost for sending cards to countries in domestic_postage_countries.

property domestic_postage_countries: set

User’s countries that have a domestic_postage_cost.

property email: str

User’s email address.

property first_name: str

User’s first name.

property greeting_card_cost: int

User’s base cost of a greeting card excluding postage.

property id: int

User’s unique identifier.

property international_postage_cost: int

User’s postage cost for sending cards to countries not in domestic_postage_countries.

property last_name: str

User’s last name.

property phone: str

User’s phone number.

property postal_code: str

User’s postal code

property state: str

User’s state/province.


exception amcards.exceptions.AMcardsException(*args: object)

Bases: Exception

Base exception for all exceptions raised by AMcards

exception amcards.exceptions.AuthenticationError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException

Access token provided to client is unauthorized

exception amcards.exceptions.CampaignSendError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException

Something went wrong when attempting to send a drip campaign

exception amcards.exceptions.CardSendError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException

Something went wrong when attempting to send a card

exception amcards.exceptions.CardsSendError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException

Something went wrong when attempting to send cards

exception amcards.exceptions.DateFormatError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException, ValueError

Invalid format for date

exception amcards.exceptions.DuplicateCampaignError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException

Duplicate campaign detected

exception amcards.exceptions.ExtraDataFormatError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException, ValueError

Invalid format for extra data

exception amcards.exceptions.ForbiddenCampaignError(*args: object)

Bases: ForbiddenResourceError

Campaign is not owned by clients’ user

exception amcards.exceptions.ForbiddenCardError(*args: object)

Bases: ForbiddenResourceError

Card is not owned by clients’ user

exception amcards.exceptions.ForbiddenContactError(*args: object)

Bases: ForbiddenResourceError

Contact is not owned by clients’ user

exception amcards.exceptions.ForbiddenMailingError(*args: object)

Bases: ForbiddenResourceError

Mailing is not owned by clients’ user

exception amcards.exceptions.ForbiddenResourceError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException

Base exception for when client attempts to access a resource it does not have permission to

exception amcards.exceptions.ForbiddenTemplateError(*args: object)

Bases: ForbiddenResourceError

Template is not owned by clients’ user

exception amcards.exceptions.InsufficientCreditsError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException

Clients’ user has insufficient credits

exception amcards.exceptions.OAuthTokenRefreshError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException

Something went wrong when attempting to refresh AMcards access_token

exception amcards.exceptions.PhoneFormatError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException, ValueError

Invalid format for phone number

exception amcards.exceptions.ShippingAddressError(*args: object)

Bases: AMcardsException, ValueError

Some shipping address fields are missing or invalid